Get Involved


True change happens at the heart level.

We believe that without the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, true freedom from bondage and sin can never fully be realized.  In all our ministries, our interactions with individuals, families, partner organizations and our communities, we engaged in Incarnational Ministry as we walk alongside other.

What is Incarnational Ministry?

We are to be witnesses of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are not in it for us, our reputation, our church, or our organization. We are in this for Him, and those He loves. That said, if we do this His way, we will build a good reputation for Christ to be seen. We are not the “saviors”, we are the witnesses of The Savior.

This is where it all starts. Jesus became flesh “carna” and lived among us. He climbed into our world. This is one of the most incredible parts, and yet the starting part of the Gospel. John 1:14. Therefore, we are to go and climb into their world, where they are, how they are, who they are – not to change, but to give witness, by simply being with. A power of our witness is our “withness”.

Drop-in Hours:

9:00am – 4:00pm, Monday – Thursday
9:00am – 1:00pm, Friday

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 306
Missoula, MT 59806


2811 Latimer Street, Suite 223
Missoula, Montana 59808

Office: (406) 542-5240

Thrift Boutique:  (406) 728-5538

The Women’s Center:  (406) 552-5016