Missoulian.com: “Organizers say Missoula needs second safe outdoor space”

“Thursday is moving-in day for 35 unhoused Missoula residents, who will now get to stay at the newly-constructed, vastly-improved Temporary Safe Outdoor Space at a new location on West Broadway near the Missoula County Detention Center…”

Wade Peterson’s childhood home sat in the footprint of what’s now Rosauers grocery store on Reserve Street, when apple orchards dotted the thoroughfare instead of big-box stores, traffic and parking lots.

“Missoula’s certainly grown up since then,” said Peterson, a lifelong resident. “I guess a lot’s changed, even for me.”

Check out the Missoulian.com article:  https://missoulian.com/news/local/government-politics/tsos-temporary-safe-outdoor-space-missoula-homelessness/article_a07f94b0-f5e1-11ee-9a22-13180958acf2.html

Drop-in Hours:

9:00am – 4:00pm, Monday – Thursday
9:00am – 1:00pm, Friday

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 306
Missoula, MT 59806


2811 Latimer Street, Suite 223
Missoula, Montana 59808

Office: (406) 542-5240

Thrift Boutique:  (406) 728-5538

The Women’s Center:  (406) 552-5016